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US$ 185.45 million
Total Project Cost
US$ 50.12 million
Total IFAD financing

The Context

Cuba is one of the largest Small Island Developing States. The country is facing its worst economic crisis since the 1990s as tourism declines, inflation increases and a severe shortage of essential supplies continues.

Cuba’s agricultural and livestock sectors have low productivity due to decreased investments, limited technical assistance, a lack of technological innovation, land degradation and the effects of climate change. As a result, local food production is insufficient to meet demand. Cuba imports up to 80 per cent of its food requirements.

The Strategy

IFAD is modernizing Cuba’s agricultural sector by developing non-state smallholder cooperatives and providing technical assistance and training to increase the assets of these cooperatives.

Key activities include:

  • increasing crop production and productivity, mainly for maize and beans which are essential components of the Cuban diet;

  • improving living conditions for poor rural people; and

  • supporting the sustainable growth of the livestock sector by increasing the production and sale of milk and meat.

Country Facts

One in four Cubans live in rural areas.

Cuba’s aging population poses challenges for the country’s healthcare and social security systems.

Decreasing dietary diversity and poor dietary practices have resulted in increasing rates of anaemia and other micronutrient deficiencies.

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Learn More


Isabel De La Peña

Country Director, Latin America and the Caribbean Division

[email protected]
Mariano Pidal

Programme Officer, Latin America and the Caribbean Division

[email protected]

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