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Corporate Document | 28 May 2018

Annual Report on the IFAD Investigation and Anticorruption Activities 2017

This report presents information on the investigation activities of IFAD’s Office of Audit and Oversight (AUO) in 2017. It further provides information on sanctions applied, anticorruption outreach efforts and the use of staff and financial resources. In collaboration with IFAD business units, AUO's investigative actions in 2017 enabled IFAD to block or cancel irregular transactions in excess of US$1.5 million. The timeliness of investigations improved and the caseload carryover to the next year was reduced. The nature of the allegations received and the issues submitted to the Sanctions Committee point to the need for further improvement in the capacity and controls of the procurement structures used for IFAD-financed projects. Anticorruption outreach was strengthened through AUO's contribution to headquarters and regional workshops and to IFAD's Operations Academy, the implementation of an anticorruption e-learning module and through anticorruption awareness events on International Anticorruption Day. The staff and financial resources provided to AUO in 2017 permitted the Office to conduct investigative and audit work with the required skills and independence, and to meet oversight responsibilities without limitations in scope.
