Event | 23 June 2021

Behavioural approaches for development and climate programmes


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13:30 – 15:00 CEST (Rome, Italy)

Development and climate organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of behavioural approaches for maximizing the results and impact of their operations and enhancing their sustainability.

Despite considerable resources being spent towards realizing impacts related to climate, nutrition and gender, these outcomes are not being realized - especially in terms of climate and gender. A key reason for this is that there is an intention-action gap in these areas. Behavioural science presents a potential avenue for dealing with this gap. This discipline creates structures, processes and changes so that we can behave the way we want to, usually without negatively affecting our results.

Speakers at this session of the UN Behavioural Science Week focused on sharing their experiences with their organizations' efforts to increase access to and use of inputs, diversify livelihoods, and optimize investment decisions by using behavioural science approaches.

The session contributed to exchanging possibilities, building evidence, and learning from different experiences on what can work and what may not. Speakers discussed how successful results can be adapted to new contexts and scaled up while enhancing the nexus among climate, gender, and nutrition.

Participants at this session will:

  • Listen to experiences of different uses of behavioural sciences in the design, implementation and evaluation of development programmes. Are these valid across different contexts?
  • Discuss evidence to make our programs future-fit (in the context of net zero goals, greater climate uncertainty, changing diets and increasing urgency for ensuring gender equity and empowerment).
  • Learn from experiences that scale up successful interventions through partnerships and continuing learning.

Key Themes

  • Climate, gender, nutrition
  • Programme design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation

Event Format

High-level speakers and experts’ panel with live Q&A

Speakers and panellists

Juan Lucas Restrepo, Director General, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CGIAR

Anita Bhatia, Assistant UN Secretary-General, Deputy Executive Director for Resource Management, UN System Coordination, Sustainability and Partnerships, UN Women

Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General, Climate and Natural Resources, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Jyotsna Puri, Director, Environment, Climate, Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion Division (ECG), IFAD

Nathanial Peterson, Vice-President for Partnerships, Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics

Martin Prowse, Evaluation Specialist - Independent Evaluation Unit, Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Nancy J. Aburto, Deputy Director, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO

Ndaya Beltchika, Lead Technical Specialist, Gender and Social Inclusion, IFAD

Dominik Ziller, Vice-President, IFAD


The event was moderated by Gladys H. Morales, Senior Innovation Adviser, Change, Delivery and Innovation Unit (CDI), IFAD.

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