Event | 26 January 2022

eGFRID - Remittances and investment: how migrants finance sustainable development


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Time: 14:00-15:30 (GMT+1)

IFAD and the European Commission (EC) will jointly host the next eGFRID webinar, which will focus on the topic of “Remittances and investment: How migrants finance sustainable development.”

The webinar will shed light on the two modalities of migrants’ financial contribution to their countries of origin – remittances and investment – and their complementarities, to offer cues on how they can be supported and leveraged, and to identify potential strategies in alignment with development challenges.
The discussions will draw from the recent report of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) “Diaspora finance for development: from remittances to investment,” which draws attention to the broad range of financial mechanisms which enable migrants to transfer funds to, and invest in, their countries of origin.

A panel discussion will follow, featuring global experts and practitioners from both public and private sectors, in which direct experiences and lessons learned from successful initiatives will be shared.

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Opening Remarks:

  • Francesco Luciani, Head of Unit, Migration and Forced displacement, DG INTPA, European Commission


  • Pedro de Vasconcelos, Manager, Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD

Setting the stage

Main findings from the report Diaspora finance for development: from remittances to investment

  • Simon McMahon and Sona Kalantaryan, European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)
  • Stephen Gelb, Principal Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)


Remittances and new technologies: remittances through mobile money (more info)

  • Nika Naghavi, Director, Strategic Projects, MFS Africa

Remittances and financial inclusion: linking insurance with remittances (more info)

  • Michael J. McCord, Managing Director, Microinsurance Centre at Milliman

Remittances as a path for local entrepreneurship (more info)

  • Alina Cebotariov, Director, Nonbank Credit Department, National Commission for Financial

Markets, Republic of Moldova (NCFM)

Migrants’ investment for SMEs development (more info)

  • Mamadou Ndao, Programme Manager, Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P)

Questions & answers

Closing remarks

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