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Event | 22 - 24 March 2023

IFAD at UN Water 2023

New York, USA

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Billions of people worldwide still live without safely managed drinking water and sanitation, even though access to both services has long been defined as a human right. Many water sources are becoming more polluted, and ecosystems that provide water are disappearing. Climate change is disrupting the water cycle, causing droughts and floods.

The Conference is the most important water event in a generation. It aims to raise awareness of the global water crisis and decide on concerted action to achieve the internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

22 March 2023: NDC Enhancement through a Water Nexus Approach

IFAD’s Associate Vice President of Strategy and Knowledge, Jyostna Puri, will present the Water Nexus Approach. This side event will raise awareness of the social and economic benefits of the approach, share best practices of NDC updates that have raised ambitions around water, and explore where support can be strengthened to ensure concrete action towards the Water Nexus Approach.

Time: 15:30-16:45 (EDT) | Location: Conference Room 6, United Nations Headquarters, New York

23 March 2023: Private Sector Roundtable

The Roundtable will bring together private sector actors to explore the water-nexus approach and opportunities to increase private sector investment in this space. The event aims to raise awareness among the private sector on integrating climate and water into national investment planning and strengthening the water-climate nexus in implementing NDCs. Participants will explore key investment barriers and approaches that could increase private sector investment with a focus on blended finance mechanisms.

Time: 14:00-16:00 EDT | Location: MUFG Americas HQ, 1221 Ave of the Americas, 6th Floor, New York

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