Event | 15 March 2022

CSW66 side event - Understanding the gendered risks: Women as the central piece to the climate adaptation puzzle


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Rural people are facing the brunt of the effects of climate change as they are forced to adapt production systems in response to changes in the climate and the depletion of natural resources. The climate crisis has a greater detrimental impact on women as it increases vulnerabilities and amplifies structural gender inequalities. Inclusive climate action and responses that consider the needs of women and other marginalized groups are critical for climate-resilient futures.

Strengthening rural women’s capacity to cope with and recover from climate shocks is a vital part of IFAD’s work, while this year’s Commission on the Status of Women focuses on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls in the context of climate change.

This side event will focus on proven gender transformative approaches that build resilience against climate unpredictability and transform individuals, in particular women, into agents of change. UN Goodwill Ambassador for IFAD, Sabrina Elba, will give a keynote speech, which will be followed by a panel discussion on women’s role in climate change adaptation.

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