Event | 24 March 2021

Webinar: Pasture health maps in Kyrgyzstan


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12:00-12:30 CET

This short and informative webinar will present an interesting geo-spatial study that used pasture type maps, geo-botany maps, and remote sensing to analyse the health of pastures in one municipality in Kyrgyzstan.

Geo-spatial assessments with geo-botany maps may offer more insights than conventional pasture assessments using solely Earth observation data, as they allow to assess the nutritional and ecological value of pastures at large scale.

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Rakhat Zhanuzakova, GIS expert, holds a master's degree from the University of West Hungary. Her master's thesis classified pastures with remote sensing. She has experience in GIS for over 10 years. She participated in the FAO project that analysed land use and land use change in Kyrgyzstan and prepared digital LULUCF maps and databases to calculate GHG emissions/removals in accordance with IPCC principles.

Organized by IFAD GeoGroup

Our community of practice aims to enhance IFAD’s operations and impact through systematic integration of geospatial tools, methods and data analytics.

For any queries please contact [email protected].

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