Denmark - IFAD
- Who we are
Transparency and Accountability Ethics Anticorruption Evaluation Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures Corporate Procurement Operations Dashboard
- What we do
- Where we work
- Action Areas
Protecting the environment Climate and environment BiodiversityEnhancing livelihoods and markets Private sector Rural finance Markets and value chains Managing land and its resources
- Knowledge & Data
- Get Involved
- Who we are
- About IFAD
- Our People
- Governance
- Transparency and Accountability
- What we do
- Investing in Rural People
- How We Work
- Our Impact
- Where we work
- Action Areas
- Empowering rural people
- Protecting the environment
- Enhancing livelihoods and markets
- Promoting sustainable farming
- Building resilience
- Knowledge & Data
- Get Involved
- News and Stories
Welcome to the
Things look a bit different here, right!
IFAD's mission has been consistent for almost five decades: invest in rural people.
But the way we communicate about it to the world is constantly changing with the times.
Our new website makes it even easier to find out what we do – and why this matters.
Core Contribution
Complementary Contribution
Supplementary Contribution
Denmark and IFAD share a long-standing partnership to fight poverty and hunger. Agriculture and the food sector are the drivers of their common approach to promote sustainable rural transformation, which is essential to tackle environmental degradation and climate change.
IFAD promotes agricultural growth that is environmentally sustainable and integrated into ecosystems, helping small-scale farmers become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Working with partners like Denmark, IFAD scales up successful approaches to sustainable agricultural production and green value chains, building climate resilience and adaptation, enhancing biodiversity, increasing yields and lowering emissions.