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US$ 269.1 million
Core Contribution
US$ 1 million
Complementary Contribution
US$ 1.07 million
Supplementary Contribution

India is a founding member of IFAD and the partnership spans more than 40 years. India is not only the largest recipient of IFAD’s investments, but also a significant contributor in terms of both financial support and corporate policy engagement as a member of IFAD’s Executive Board.

India also offers rich development experience and tried and tested pro-poor innovations that enhance the quality of IFAD’s operations and institutional knowledge, thereby also benefiting IFAD’s other members.

To date, IFAD has mobilized US$3.6 billion, leveraging US$1.2 billion of the Fund’s own financing, through 32 projects directly benefiting over six million households in India. Major achievements of the IFAD portfolio in India include the commercialization of smallholder agriculture, building grassroots institutions to enable communities to manage their own development, empowering women, and improving livelihoods in tribal and other communities. The portfolio has generated several innovations in financial inclusion, last-mile service delivery, market services, and federations of self‑help and producers’ groups.

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Ulac Demirag

Head of MCO and Country Director

[email protected]
Piyush Kanal

Country Programme Analyst

[email protected]
Meera Mishra

Country Programme Coordinator

[email protected] See bio
Akiko Muto

Partnership Officer, Asian and Pacific Region

[email protected] See bio
Sriram Sankara Subramaniam

Associate Country Programme Coordinator

[email protected]