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US$ 438.42 million
Core Contribution
US$ 11.58 million
Complementary Contribution
US$ 98.74 million
Supplementary Contribution

IFAD and Norway share a vision of a peaceful world without poverty and hunger. Norway is a top donor and a key ally in shaping the Fund’s strategies and reform processes, and there is a close alignment between IFAD’s mandate and Norwegian development cooperation goals.

IFAD’s work on food security and agriculture, climate adaptation, gender, inclusive economic growth and youth employment in the rural areas – together with its focus on results and commitment to high standards of monitoring and evaluation – play an important role in the achievement of Norway’s priorities in the context of the 2030 Agenda.

The need to feed growing rural and urban populations, and consumption patterns that are shifting to higher value products, offer prospects for income gains and job creation in farming and the broader food system in rural areas. Norway recognizes IFAD’s strategic contribution to addressing this opportunity.

A founding member of IFAD, Norway is currently a member of the Fund’s Executive Board, providing leadership in particular on gender and climate mainstreaming, and focus on risk management, transparency, value for money and impact, as well as a member of the Working Group on the Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS). Norway supports IFAD’s unique ability to ensure country ownership of good rural development results.

IFAD focuses exclusively on poverty reduction in rural areas, where 80 per cent of the world’s poorest people live. It invests 90 per cent of Member State contributions in low-income and lower-middle-income countries, including 50 per cent in Africa and 25-30 per cent in fragile situations. These investments help rural women and men produce more food and start businesses. They also enable rural poor people to sustainably manage natural resources and participate actively in the decisions that affect their lives.

Every dollar that Norway invests in IFAD delivers a pro-poor total investment equivalent to US$4.

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Federica Cerulli Irelli

Chief Partnership Officer, Members Engagement

[email protected] See bio