Press release | 26 November 2018

Agriculture Advantage 2.0: Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate

WHAT: A six-day side event series at COP24, identifying actions to transform global food systems to deliver on food security, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Emerging examples of transformative actions, as well as best-bet climate-smart agricultural investments, will be showcased by leading agricultural scientists and practitioners.

WHEN: Tuesday 4 December to Wednesday 12 December

  • December 4; 16:00-18:00, Courtyard Marriott Hotel
    Transforming food systems under a changing climate: From priorities to action: How we can move from priorities to action in global food system transformation, including a presentation of a new policy brief from CCAFS.
  • December 5; 15:15-16:45, Fiji Pavilion, COP24
    The Policy Advantage: How enabling policies can best drive change in our food systems, including stories of success from around the world.
  • December 5; 16:45-18:15, Pieniny Room, COP24 official side event
    The CSA Investment Advantage Which best-bet climate-smart approaches investors should be prioritising. Scientists present insights gathered from over 30 countries.
  • December 6; 16:30-18:30, Bug Room, COP24 official side event
    The Technology Advantage: Which next generation technologies are showing promise to tackle climate challenges in agriculture.
  • December 10; 18:30-20:00: Bieszczady Room, COP24 official side event
    The Food Systems Finance Advantage: Which innovative models will finance food systems transformation and unlock the potential of 700 million small farmers.
  • December 11; 15:00-16:30, Bieszczady Room, COP24 official side event
    The Soils Advantage: Will soil be the silver bullet to meet food security and climate change goals? Presenting the latest scientific evidence and discussing the business case for soil carbon enhancement.
  • December 12; 14:00-18:00, Hotel Monopol, Katowice
    Closing session: Stepping up food systems transformation under a changing climate: conclusions from the Agriculture Advantage 2.0 event series.

Full details on the schedule of events are available online.

WHERE: Various locations, Katowice, Poland

WHO: The following spokespeople will be available for interview:

  • Bruce Campbell, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
  • Martien van Nieuwkoop, Director, Agriculture Global Practice, The World Bank
  • Victoria Hatton, Senior Policy Analyst International Policy Division, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand
  • Margarita Astralaga, Director, Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Oluyede Olu Ajayi, Senior Programme Co-ordinator (Climate Change), Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA)


Actions to reduce agriculture’s carbon footprint are falling short, with the potential to reach only 21-40% of what is required by the Paris Agreement. Farmers are struggling to adapt to a changing climate, and hunger has risen for the third year in a row. To solve these interconnected challenges, we need to change the way we eat and farm. This event series will explore the critical questions around how this can be achieved.

At COP23 in Bonn, the Agriculture Advantage event series was initiated by likeminded organizations, which brought together over 400 diverse stakeholders to put forward a vision and action agenda for transforming agriculture under climate change. Now in its second year, the series will focus on implementing this action agenda and moving from a vision to reality.

The event series at COP24 is co-hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Government of New Zealand and the World Bank.

For further reading on how to transform food systems under a changing climate, explore the latest briefing from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCFAS).

For more information or to arrange media interviews, please contact:

Liz Sharma | +44 7963 122988


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