Media advisory | 14 February 2022

Global leaders to discuss how to finance a more resilient, inclusive post-COVID world at IFAD Governing Council meeting – 16 February 2022

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Media contact
Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]

Rome, 14 February 2022 With surging food prices, the socio-economic fall-out of COVID-19 and an increasingly unpredictable climate, the world’s poorest people are facing unprecedented challenges in growing, selling and buying food – with far-reaching consequences for global food supply, peace and stability. Against this backdrop, heads of state, ministers and rural development experts will come together at the 45th annual Governing Council meeting of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to look towards a post-COVID world, and discuss how to harness innovations and new financing mechanisms to build more inclusive and resilient rural economies.

Who - Speakers include:

  • H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) (TBC)
  • Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia;
  • Andry Nirina Rajoelina, President of Madagascar;
  • Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Acting Prime Minister of Fiji;
  • Daniele Franco, Minister for Economy and Finance of Italy.

Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University, will deliver the annual IFAD Talk.

When: 16 February 2022; 13:00 – 15:30 CET

Where: Virtual platform

For more information and to follow the webcast, please click here.

For further information on IFAD’s work, visit the website


IFAD invests in rural people, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen resilience. Since 1978, we have provided US$23.2 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached an estimated 518 million people. IFAD is an international financial institution and a United Nations specialized agency based in Rome – the United Nations food and agriculture hub. A wide range of photographs of IFAD’s work in rural communities are available for download from its Image Bank.

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