Press release | 23 July 2024

IFAD partners with Zenkyoren to issue its first nutrition bond

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Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

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Yoko Maruta

Communication Consultant, IFAD Japan Liaison Office

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Japanese version

Tokyo/Rome, 23 July 2024 - The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) issued its first nutrition bond, under its Sustainable Development Finance Framework, for US$50 million to Zenkyoren, National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (Japan).

The bond will support IFAD’s investments in rural development programmes, and ensure better food security and nutrition for millions of rural people in developing countries. It will contribute to global efforts to reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The funds will support efforts to fully integrate nutrition in IFAD- financed programmes and contribute to nutrition commitments for the 2025-2027 programme of work whereby at least 60 per cent of IFAD-financed projects address the underlying causes of malnutrition related to household food insecurity, inadequate care for mother and child feeding practices and an unhealthy environment.

IFAD is at the forefront of implementing nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices and improving food security and achieving optimal nutrition for all is at the heart of IFAD’s work. Nutrition is one of IFAD’s four cross-cutting thematic commitments, as a “nutrition lens” is applied to design and implementation of investments in agriculture, supporting rural people to improve their diets by growing and consuming diverse, nutritious, safe and affordable foods.

Zenkyoren has made one of the missions of its JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) Mutual Insurance Programme to “contribute to the creation of a prosperous and secure community through dynamic business activities.” It believes that proactively implementing initiatives based on this mission is the first step to reach the SDGs. Zenkyoren has signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which is supported by the United Nations (UN). Zenkyoren is working to continue ESG investments that contribute to the SDGs, both in Japan and overseas, based on securing stable investment returns for the funds the precious money entrusted to the cooperative by its members.

Zenkyoren will support the programs to tackle malnutrition in small-scale rural areas, especially developing countries. It believes this investment will make positive impacts in order to solve malnutrition related to household food insecurity and the lack of regular nutritional intake among women and children in rural areas. It expects such action to contribute to global efforts to reach the common goals toward 2030, one by one. Zenkyoren will continue to contribute to the realisation of a society in which the SDGs are achieved thanks to its business activities as a member of both the local and global community.

“We are extremely excited to partner with Zenkyoren to implement solutions to tackle malnutrition. Solutions that have a long-lasting impact on the well-being, health, learning and productive capacity of a large number of children, women and men. Together we can make a difference for millions,” said Natalia Toschi, Head of Funding, IFAD. “We are also very happy to partner with a like-minded institution which has farming communities at the heart of its work.”

IFAD and Zenkyoren have a common goal of supporting local and small farmers and helping them to improve their living conditions and achieve more prosperity and food and nutrition security.

Zenkyoren was founded in 1951 as a cooperative insurance organization to insure members of the farming community under the motto “One for all, all for one.” The 10 million member strong JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) Group, to which Zenkyoren belongs, comprises agricultural cooperatives (known as JAs) at the local level and organizations at the prefectural and national levels. Zenkyoren ensures the sustainability of agriculture and local communities by providing insurance and services and engaging in activities with positive impact on communities. It also believes that each of these activities contributes to the achievement of the SDGs.

IFAD invests in rural communities and small-scale farmers to enable them to improve food security and nutrition, reduce poverty and build resilience to climatic or economic shocks. IFAD aims to reach an investment programme of US$3.4 billion for rural areas in more than 90 countries for the 2022-2024 period. IFAD supported programmes work extensively with local farmers organizations and cooperatives.

According to the latest State of Food Security, the number of people suffering from hunger has been growing in recent years and reached up to 780 million people in 2022. According to UN statistics, also in 2022, 148 million children were stunted or too short for their age, and 45 million were wasted or too thin for their height, while 37 million were overweight or living with obesity.

Small-scale farmers produce one third of the world’s food. While being essential for global and local food security, they often live in poverty and hunger. About 80 per cent of the world’s extremely poor people reside in rural areas.


Note to editors:

IFAD’s engagement in the Initiative for Food and Nutrition in Africa, a joint initiative led by African Union Development Agency New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) and Japan International Cooperating Agency (JICA) is a further testimony of the Fund’s dedication to tackle nutrition challenges and contribute to a world free from hunger and malnutrition.

For more information:

IFAD’s funding programme


Naohiro Yonezawa, Zenkyoren Securities Investment Department

Email: [email protected]

Press release No.: IFAD/06/2024

IFAD is an international financial institution and a United Nations specialized agency. Based in Rome – the United Nations food and agriculture hub – IFAD invests in rural people, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen resilience. Since 1978, we have provided more than US$24 billion in grants and low-interest loans to fund projects in developing countries.

A wide range of photographs of IFAD’s work in rural communities are available for download from its Image Bank.

Zenkyoren is a cooperative insurance organization to insure members of the farming community in Japan under the motto “One for all, all for one.” Zenkyoren is tasked with providing insurance coverage for JA members and policyholders against accidental loss of life and property damage, and assisting them with worry-free coverage throughout their lives.

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