Press release | 23 April 2019

Key findings of the MOPAN assessment of IFAD

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The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) comprises 18 countries that share a common interest in assessing the effectiveness of the major multilateral organisations they fund. These include United Nations agencies, international financial institutions and global funds.

The Network generates, collects, analyses and presents relevant and credible information on their organisational and development effectiveness. This knowledge base is intended to contribute to organisational learning within and among the organisations, their direct clients and partners, and other stakeholders. Network members use the reports for their own accountability needs and as a source of input for strategic decision-making.

IFAD is one of the 14 organisations assessed by MOPAN in 2017-18.

The assessment finds that:

  • IFAD is an agile, responsive and well-performing organisation. The Fund’s strategy, organisational architecture and operating model are all very well geared to deliver IFAD’s mandate and are sufficiently flexible to adapt to the changing global context and to member states’ evolving needs and priorities.
  • The Fund consistently makes positive contributions to reducing rural poverty and continues to deliver results that are highly relevant to its member states’ needs and priorities.
  • IFAD’s results culture is strong and growing stronger, and the evaluation and accountability functions continue to be robust. The Fund has now established the basics of results based budgeting.
  • At the operations level, developments such as the SECAP have further strengthened the intervention design process, including the mainstreaming of the cross-cutting issues such as gender and environment, although good governance and human rights remain a step back. Where results could be stronger – notably on speed of disbursement – IFAD is making progress or is actively addressing the institutional shortcomings that have been linked with comparatively weaker performance.
  • As a result of the refinement of the Performance-Based Allocation System and the adoption of new financing frameworks, IFAD is better equipped to deal with a tighter financial environment, in particular the lack of growth in the value of member state core contributions, and to further evolve over the IFAD11 replenishment period, 2019-21.
  • IFAD’s work on diversifying its resource base, developing a transition framework for member states, upscaling its knowledge brokering role and accelerating decentralization is a clear indicator of a forward-looking organisation that is highly alert and responsive to major upcoming strategic challenges.

The findings of the MOPAN assessment of IFAD will be presented on Wednesday, 24 April 2019, 15.00 – 16.30. The event is convened by the United States, as the Institutional Lead for the IFAD assessment.

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