Media advisory | 29 January 2020

Media invite: IFAD Governing Council 2020

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WHEN: 11-12 February, 2020

WHAT: Heads of state, ministers, celebrity artists and development leaders will gather in Rome to renew the commitment to ending hunger by 2030, and to define what needs to be done and how to do it.

WHERE: FAO Headquarters in Rome


  • Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, President of the Republic of Mali
  • Agnes Matilda Kalibata, President of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and recently named Special Envoy of the Food Systems Summit 2021
  • Sherrie Silver, award-winning choreographer and IFAD Rural Youth Advocate
  • Mr Eazi, Afrobeats singer and songwriter
  • Rodger Voorhies, President of the Global Growth and Opportunity Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Webcast available

This year, the IFAD Governing Council meeting and media accreditation will take place at FAO headquarters in Rome, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla. Deadline to request accreditation is 17.00 on 07 February 2020. Journalists need to specify for which days they wish to receive accreditation: the 11/02, the 12/02 or for both days. Journalists are requested to arrive no later than 07:45 to ensure access.

Please send:

  • a copy of a valid press card or letter of assignment on company stationery;
  • a copy of a valid ID (passport, identity card);
  • email to [email protected] and include "Press Accreditation" in the subject line.

Please have all ID materials with you to gain access to FAO premises..

For more information about the accreditation process:

FAO media office, (+39) 06 570 53625, [email protected]

For further information on IFAD’s work, visit the website


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