Remittances are vital for Sub-Saharan Africa to withstand climate change impacts
New IFAD case study in Mali shows diaspora finance and investment play an essential role in helping vulnerable populations adapt to climate change.
Communication and Media Outreach Officer
[email protected]Rome, 17 June 2019 - Nearly 1 billion of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in developing countries and half of them in rural areas where they are most often poor, lack economic opportunities and face constraints to access land, services, technology and training.
In the poorest nations in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the youth population is growing fast, the problem is particularly acute. These countries have the fewest resources to address the challenges they will face in the coming years.
Around the developing world, governments are looking for solutions to provide young people with jobs and opportunities that safeguard their futures and provide them with an alternative to migration.
IFAD's 2019 Rural Development report – Creating opportunities for rural youth, presents the latest analysis on rural youth and makes recommendations to policymakers on how to best invest to avoid creating a "lost generation" of young people.
Media briefing - What does the future hold for young rural people?
For an embargoed copy of the report and one-on-one interviews, please email [email protected].
Also at the European Development Days
Large debate: What will it take to win the battle against hunger ?
This though-provoking debate organized by IFAD will bring together decision- and policy-makers who shape the global agenda to eliminate world hunger. Following news last year that global food insecurity and the number of hungry grew for a third year running, this session asks participants what it will take to get the Sustainable Development Goal 2 (zero hunger) back on track?
Center stage interview: Gilbert F. Houngbo, IFAD President
Press release No.: IFAD/12/2019
IFAD has invested in rural people for 40 years, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen resilience. Since 1978, we have provided US$20.4 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached about 480 million people. IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency based in Rome – the UN’s food and agriculture hub.
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