Enrique Hennings - IFAD
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Enrique Hennings is IFAD's MesoAmerica and the Caribbean Hub Head. He was previously Lead Technical Specialist in Rural Markets and Enterprises.
Before joining the Fund, Hennings was a Senior Partner at Consulting for Development and Market Innovation. He served as the Senior Manager of the Global Producer Finance Unit at Fairtrade International overseeing Latin America, Africa and Asia. Previously, he worked for ACDI/VOCA as Deputy Director for a Millennium Challenge Account Project in Honduras (Farmer Access to Credit) and at the Center for Farm and Rural Business Finance at the University of Illinois. He also worked for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Organization of American States in Washington DC.
Hennings is an agricultural engineer and holds a master’s degree in Agribusiness. He is also a PhD candidate in Agricultural Economics (Rural Finance and Agribusiness) at the University of Illinois, United States.