Hernan Danery Alvarado - IFAD
Hernán Danery Alvarado is Associate Vice-President of IFAD’s Financial Operations Department, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Controller. He is a member of the Executive Management Committee and is responsible for the design and implementation of IFAD's financial strategy, providing strategic and technical leadership for the Fund's corporate finance, treasury management, controllership and project financial management. He oversees all activities that impact the Fund's capital adequacy, balance sheet optimization, financial reporting, and the mobilization of structured financial resources to ensure IFAD's credit rating and long-term sustainability.
A Honduran national, Hernán previously served as CFO and Head of Asset and Liability Management at the Central American Bank for Economic Integration and has more than 25 years of experience in the development finance industry.
Hernán has a deep knowledge of capital markets and has extensive experience in placing Eurobonds, local currency bonds and other private sector financial instruments. He has promoted financial mechanisms to mobilize climate change financial resources, leading the accreditation and negotiation processes with the Green Climate Fund, among others
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in Finance from the Universidad Católica de Honduras “Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz,” in Honduras.