Lead Regional Technical Specialist, Institutions Zainab Semgalawe
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Zainab Semgalawe is the Senior Technical Specialist in Institutions and Programme Management at IFAD. She has over 25 years' experience in designing and managing various agriculture and rural development programmes in developing countries; socio-economic and policy research; client oriented research management; institutional development and programme monitoring and evaluation.

Semgalawe has previously served as a Research Officer at the Tanzania Agricultural Research Organization; Senior Agricultural Research Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania; Programme Coordinator for the Food and Agricultural Organization regional programmes on gender, agrobiodiversity and local knowledge; Operations Officer (portfolio management) at the World Bank, Senior Rural Development Specialist for the World Bank’s agriculture and rural development programmes. She has also served as President of the Southern Africa Association for Farming Systems Research and External Examiner in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness for Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.

Semgalawe holds a PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Economics from Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands; an MSc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia, United States; a BSc in Agriculture from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania; and has authored several professional papers and research publications.

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