
Country Director

Philippe Remy

Philippe Remy is a Country Director for the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia Division at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He is currently responsible for Libya, Montenegro and Tunisia. Remy leads the design and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies in collaboration with government representatives and other national stakeholders for rural poverty reduction. He manages the design of the IFAD loan and grant portfolios and supports their implementation with a view to maximizing development effectiveness, impact and sustainable development results.

Before joining the Fund in 2006, Remy served as a civil servant for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation at headquarters - Paris and in different countries, with a last position in Dakar as a Regional Coordinator for Agriculture and Environment for six countries (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Gambia, Cap Vert and Guinea).

Remy holds a General Degree in Agronomics from the National School of Rennes-France (ENSAR) and a master’s degree in Tropical Agronomy from the National Center of Tropical Agronomy-Montpellier (CNEARC).