
Mwanza/Shinyanga Rural Development Project


Country Flag United Republic of Tanzania


Rural Development

Approval Date

13 April 1978


1978 - 1983

Project ID


Mwanza/Shinyanga Rural Development Project

The project was designed to improve the social and economic well-being of rural poor people in the Sukumaland area, who are mainly smallholder farmers with an average of 3.2 ha of cultivated land.

The project supported efforts to:

  • increase productivity in agriculture, forestry, livestock and small-scale industries
  • halt deterioration of natural resources, including soil, forests, vegetative cover and water
  • develop basic infrastructure such as roads, water supply systems, health and educational facilities, and transport and processing equipment

People in newly constituted villages participated in the planning and implementation of the infrastructure and services established by the project.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Documents