
Small Farmers' Credit Project II


Country Flag Pakistan


Credit and Financial Services

Approval Date

13 December 1983


1983 - 1987

Project ID


Small Farmers’ Credit Project II

Built on the first Small Farmers’ Credit Project, this second project targeted farmers with less than 25 acres of irrigated land. The objective was to consolidate and expand gains made under the first project, increasing food production and raising living standards for small farmers through financial and technical assistance from the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP). Specifically, the project worked to:

  • further strengthen the ADBP as a financial institution and expand credit to smallholder farmers
  • encourage the Government of Pakistan to introduce policies favouring smallholder farmers

The project helped increase agricultural production on farms of varying size. Cultivation methods were improved through mechanization, and incomes increased. The installation of tubewells helped reduce water-logging and salinity and boosted yields of rice and cotton, providing increased on-farm employment.

Source: IFAD

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Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

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