Agricultural Services Project: Smallholder Food Security Sub-project - IFAD
Agricultural Services Project: Smallholder Food Security Sub-project
The Agricultural Services Project had nationwide coverage, but the IFAD-supported sub-project focused on specific regions and target groups. IFAD investments were targeted to poor small-scale farming households, especially those headed by women. Funds supported development of grass-roots institutions within the broad institutional and policy framework provided by the Agricultural Services Project.
The objective of the sub-project was to improve income and food supplies for small-scale farmers by providing agricultural services, access to cash crops and improved inputs. The sub-project included a focus on:
- improving extension services
- improving the supply of inputs such as fertilizer and seeds. Including hybrid maize and burley tobacco
- promoting the development of small-scale irrigation
- strengthening local institutions and improving rural poor people’s access to financial services
Source: IFAD
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 79.14 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 13 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (International)
African Development Bank
US$ 12.69 million
World Bank: International Development Association
US$ 45.72 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 7.72 million