
Sheep Development Project


Country Flag Kyrgyzstan



Approval Date

14 September 1995


1995 - 2002

Project ID


Sheep Development Project

Livestock production, which accounted for more than half of agriculture’s share of the gross domestic product, was declining when the project became effective. There was an increase in poverty among rural people who depend on livestock for their livelihood, and especially those employed by sheep farm enterprises in remote and mountainous areas.

The project’s main objective was to transform the sheep industry into an efficient and sustainable market-based production system by:

  • increasing the profitability of sheep farming and wool production
  • privatizing several of the services provided to farmers
  • improving the management and conservation of natural grazing resources

The aims of the project’s principal activities were to:

  • support breeding research activities and establish technical and management advisory services to train farmers in animal husbandry, rangeland management and marketing
  • organize sheep farmers into sheep-producers’ associations
  • develop a competitive marketing structure
  • promote privatization of veterinary services and brucellosis control, and strengthen the diagnostic and quarantine capabilities of state-run veterinary services
  • develop improved pasture monitoring, evaluation and protection, and provide training in sustainable pasture management techniques to increase fodder quality and availability

Through support of the development of a private veterinary sector, the project helped reduce the government’s animal health expenditures and encouraged increased efficiency. A pilot brucellosis vaccination trial lowered the number of human cases. The breeding programme resulted in the development of new genetic stock and new concepts of production. Initiatives improved the quality of the stock and increased farmgate prices. The project also encouraged farmers to diversify their activities, broadening their market opportunities.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Documents