
Arhangai Rural Poverty Alleviation Project


Country Flag Mongolia



Approval Date

17 April 1996


1996 - 2003

Project ID


Arhangai and Huvsgul Rural Poverty Alleviation Project (AHRPAP)

AHRPAP was designed to assist some 5,800 exceptionally poor families in the rural areas of Arhangai and Huvsgul provinces. The project introduced innovative approaches to:

  • livestock redistribution
  • vegetable production
  • income-generating activities

The objective of the project was to reduce rural poverty through the distribution of livestock to poor and very poor herder households, and through development of vegetable production and other sources of income. The project focused on the redistribution of livestock from more prosperous herders to poor herders through credit in kind.

To help support poor non-herder families, particularly those headed by women, the project also provided short-term loans for vegetable production and activities to generate income. The project had a positive impact, helping 4,000 hosueholds rise above the poverty line. By the end of 2001, rural poor people participating in the project saw their incomes almost doubled.

Producing vegetables enhances food security for poor farmers' households and yields a surplus to be sold to herders, improving their families' nutrition. By bartering vegetables for livestock, some poor growers have been able to form new herds.

Source: IFAD

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