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Rural Micro-enterprise Development Programme


Country Flag Colombia


Credit and Financial Services

Approval Date

11 September 1996


1996 - 2006

Project ID


Rural Microenterprise Development Programme

The aim of the programme was to support the development and consolidation of rural microenterprises, to alleviate poverty among the landless people who make up a significant segment of poor rural Colombians.

Although the programme faced several implementation problems because of political violence in some programme areas, the approach to business development as a strategy for poverty reduction was generally successful. The operational strategy of giving microentrepreneurs a leading role in their own business development processes was innovative in Colombia. Activities under the programme empowered microentrepreneurs, improved the effectiveness of demand-driven services and increased the efficiency of investments.

One of the aims of the programme was decentralization, which allowed the involvement of local departmental governments in promoting promising microenterprise initiatives in their regions. The departments also supported rural microenterprises in formulating business plans and cofinanced some projects.

Projects were carried out in 22 departments, covering most of the country and assisting more than 20,000 microentrepreneurs. The programme achieved its objectives of strengthening rural microenterprises, developing rural microcredit, stimulating the market of service providers and generating policy guidelines.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Documents