
Northern Sayabouri Rural Development Project


Country Flag Lao People's Democratic Republic


Rural Development

Approval Date

04 December 1997


1997 - 2004

Project ID


Northern Sayabouri Rural Development Project

The mountainous parts of Sayabouri province have been largely neglected in the past. As a result, rural infrastructure is inadequate and farmers have received little institutional support. The poorest groups in the area are the ethnic communities living in upland villages. They lack access to schools, health services and drinking water supplies.

Recent changes in government policy have encouraged cross-border trade with Viet Nam and created a potential for economic development in the area. The project set out to capitalize on this potential with the aim of improving incomes and livelihoods for poor communities in the target area. Project activities focused primarily on the social and economic development of the midland and upland areas, boosting agricultural productivity and developing rural financial services and improved health services. The project also rehabilitated rural access roads, strengthened government capacity to pursue development initiatives, and encouraged communities to participate in development activities and take charge of the maintenance of works.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Project Documents