Raymah Area Development Project - IFAD
Raymah Area Development Project
The project assists the government in developing rainfed agriculture in areas of Yemen that receive higher rainfall. The objectives are to assist poor rural people to overcome poverty and to improve services in rural areas and discourage people from migrating to urban areas. Activities include:
- improving rural infrastructure such as roads and the supply of safe water
- assisting in community development by strengthening local institutions, fostering the participation of the people who benefit directly, and financing demand-driven social and economic investments
- supporting agricultural development through extension, research and rural finance
- providing assistance for project management
The inhabitants of Raymah are among the most vulnerable, poorest and most marginalized people in Yemen. All of the people in the area benefit to some degree from community development and improvements in the rural road network and the supply of safe water. Activities involving agricultural development and rural finance directly benefit members of households of smallholder farmers and women in general.
Source: IFAD
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 17.02 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 12.11 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government (add)
US$ 1 million
National Government
US$ 2.82 million
US$ 1.09 million
Project Contact
Abdalla A. Rahman