Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme - IFAD
Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme
In many parts of the West Bank substantial areas of land that lie fallow or are used only for grazing are suitable for reclamation and would benefit from improved farm access roads. This programme helps Palestinian villagers plan and implement development schemes for the land and water they control. Its main goal is to increase the incomes and living standards of rural families and create rural employment opportunities by helping farmers utilize and conserve potentially productive natural resources. Specifically, it sets out to:
- rehabilitate and improve land for agriculture
- improve crop productivity
- improve the efficiency of water use
- establish perennial orchards
- establish a credit fund to finance income-generating activities in participating villages
The programme targets selected villages in which farmers are unable to develop their land without external assistance, especially those with less than 1 ha of land. By rehabilitating wells, cisterns and springs, as well as improving the efficiency of water use and expanding irrigated areas, it exploits existing water resources. The programme also focuses on encouraging women to participate in programme committees that design and oversee implementation at village level and to play a more active role in decision-making processes.
Programme activities were suspended for a period because of political tensions and were then resumed with greater involvement of local NGOs. By the end of 2005 progress had been made in reclaiming and improving a substantial area of land. Nearly 10,000 m2 of rock walls had been built for agricultural terraces and 14 water storage cisterns installed. These were expected to reach a total of 74,000 m2 of rock walls and 115 cisterns by April 2006, covering an area of about 1,170 km2. The programme has been extended until 2011.
Source: IFAD
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 17.75 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 8.79 million
Financing terms
Co-financiers (International)
West Bank Trust Fund
US$ 2.99 million
UNDP Program of Assistance to Palestinian People
US$ 3.29 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
US$ 1.9 million
Project Contact
Abdelkarim Sma