
Agricultural Research and Training Project


Country Flag Ethiopia



Approval Date

10 September 1998


1998 - 2007

Project ID


Agricultural Research and Training Project

The overall objective of this World Bank-initiated project is to support use of ecologically sound technology for crop and livestock production and natural resource management. The project works to improve the Ethiopian Agricultural Research System and make it more responsive to farmers’ needs and priorities. In particular, the project’s aims are to:

  • expand the network of research centres to cover the poorest marginal agro-ecological zones
  • improve agricultural research and its response to the needs and priorities of smallholder farmers by establishing and strengthening research-extension-farmer linkages
  • support establishment of an agricultural research fund

The project supports agricultural operations managed by women, promoting improved post-harvest and other technologies. It facilitates women’s entry into the research system through recruitment of women scientists and increased enrolment of female students in agricultural colleges and universities.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)