
Pilot Project for the Development of Mountain Agriculture in the Watershed Basin of Oued Saf Saf


Country Flag Algeria


Agricultural Development

Approval Date

06 December 2001


2001 - 2006

Project ID


Pilot Project for the Development of Mountain Agriculture in the Watershed Basin of Oued Saf Saf

The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development and to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged rural people in the mountainous zones of the Wilayas of Skikda and Constantine. To improve and diversify the livelihoods of thousands of poor rural families, the project supported the development of sustainable systems of natural resource management in these areas. The main focus was to devolve decision-making, to support pro-poor local institutions and to improve poor rural people’s access to assets such as land, water, new technology and financial services.

The project supported:

  • rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation
  • land reclamation
  • concession of state land for promoting cultivation of fruit trees
  • soil and water conservation
  • improvements in productivity and management of sylvo-pastoral ecosystems and livestock production
  • rehabilitation of existing rural roads and water points and creation of new ones
  • rural financial services, microenterprise development and improved marketing
  • improvement of participants’ access to ongoing national support programmes for agricultural development

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (Domestic)