National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors - IFAD
National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors (PNAAFA)
PNAAFA is a nationwide programme aimed at building the capacity of farmers' organizations and developing value chains for small-scale farmers in subsectors with good economic potential. The programme pays particular attention to involving women and young people in its activities. Youth constitute about 30 per cent of its target group.
This programme was created out of the restructuring of the IFAD-supported National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors in Guinée-Forestière, which began operations in 2003. When IFAD's work in Guinea was reoriented in line with the new COSOP of 2008, the project was remodelled into PNAAFA with a new focus on farmers' organizations and a more participatory approach.
PNAAFA enables IFAD to partner with the National Confederation of Farmers' Organizations of Guinea and help farmers' organizations offer better services to their members. PNAAFA's great innovation is the fact that it is implemented by the farmers' organizations themselves. The programme helps improve the structure of federations, unions and other groupings of farmer organizations, provides capacity building for members and extends financial assistance for the development of specific value chains.
In Forest Guinea, the programme focuses on rice, oil palm and rubber; in Fouta Djallon on potatoes, onions and maize; and in Upper Guinea on rice, yam and onions.
The programme extends to Lower Guinea starting in 2014. See National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors - Lower Guinea and Faranah Expansion.
Source: IFAD
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 47.23 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 30.29 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 3.51 million
National Government (add 2)
US$ 1.48 million
US$ 1.54 million
Project Contact
Vincenzo Mr Galastro