
Rural Development Project in the Plateaux, Cuvette, and Western Cuvette Departments


Country Flag Congo


Rural Development

Approval Date

21 April 2004


2004 - 2011

Project ID


Rural Development Project in the Plateaux, Cuvette and Western Cuvette Departments

The project area, which stretches across the central part of the country from east to west, was not directly damaged by the recent conflict. Rural infrastructure and agricultural production were largely unaffected, but the area shares the problems of the country in general, including the negative effect of the conflict on goods and services and on the socio-economic situation.

The area has considerable potential for development of agriculture and fisheries. Yet, as elsewhere in the Congo, development is hindered by the high cost of trade and marketing as a result of poor road conditions, weak farmers’ organizations and other constraints. Agricultural productivity is low in crops and products that have a good potential market. These include cassava, potatoes and onions in the department of Plateaux, and cassava, cocoa, coffee, palm oil and river fish in the departments of Cuvette and Western Cuvette.

One of the project’s principal aims is to reduce market inefficiencies and high transaction costs.

The project’s overall objective is to increase the incomes and food security of the target groups, particularly women and young people, in a sustainable way, and to improve poor people’s living conditions.

Specific objectives include:

  • improving producers’ access to markets and high-potential production zones
  • strengthening the capacities of grass-roots organizations and those of economic interest groups to enable them to effectively participate in development
  • intensifying and diversifying agricultural and fishery production
  • improving the access of small-scale producers, including farmers and fishers, and particularly women and young people, to financial services

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact