Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme - IFAD
Implemented by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, RTIMP works to develop Ghana's agricultural commodity chain for roots and tubers. The programme's objective is to enhance the food security and incomes of poor rural households in Ghana, with a special emphasis on women and other vulnerable groups.
Specifically, RTIMP develops linkages within the commodity chain for roots and tubers; enhances the production of roots and tubers through improved technologies; and develops the processing and marketing infrastructure for roots and tubers.
RTIMP builds on lessons from the Root and Tuber Improvement Programme, which focused primarily on cassava research and development. It extends this focus to other roots and tubers and adds a strong marketing component designed to improve poor farmers' incomes. Ultimately, RTIMP aims to enable poor rural people to respond to business opportunities and develop Ghana's root and tuber commodity chains.
The programme connects farmers with processors, markets and relevant, effective and sustainable services to increase agricultural productivity and profitability. Additionally, it empowers farmers by developing capacity within farmer-based and other trade organizations.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 32.05 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 18.96 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (International)
European Commission
US$ 1.34 million
Global Environmental Facility
US$ 2.5 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
Domestic Financing Institutions
US$ 4 million
National Government
US$ 3.89 million
Project Contact
Han Ulac Demirag