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Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme


Country Flag Kenya



Approval Date

18 April 2007


2007 - 2014

Project ID


Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme

This programme aims to improve farm productivity and incomes, and the health and welfare of rural Kenyans, by increasing the quality and consumption of fruit and vegetables. The programme covers 8 of Kenya's 35 horticultural districts and was designed as a pilot initiative for possible replication throughout the country. It targets poor rural households and unemployed and underemployed people in areas of Kenya where horticulture is an important source of income, as many poor small-scale farmers in these areas sell a portion of their output on the domestic market.

The programme invests in value chains and market infrastructure in order to improve the supply of inputs and the functioning of marketing chains. It also seeks to build the capacity of private-sector service providers, government institutions and farmers' organizations.

Source: IFAD

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Co-financiers (Domestic)

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