
Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan Project


Country Flag India


Rural Development

Approval Date

24 April 2008


2008 - 2017

Project ID


Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan Project

The areas involved in the project have a harsh, arid climate. Rainfall is low and erratic, and drought is recurrent. Poor people in the area face severe water insecurity, low agricultural and livestock productivity, limited income-generating opportunities and a social system that discriminates against women and disadvantaged people.

The project targets poor households headed by landless agricultural labourers and small and marginal farmers, owners of marginal land or wastelands, traditional artisans, women, and young people who are without the skills they need to become employed. The project was designed to ensure empowerment of the poorest people. Although most of those who will benefit from it are living under the poverty line, activities will also include some other people who are not quite so poor but are eligible for support. The approach is participatory. IFAD will supervise project activities through the India country presence office.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • organize and empower poor people through community-based organizations such as self-help groups, marketing groups, producers' organizations and village development committees
  • promote income and employment opportunities while reinforcing strategies that mitigate risks
  • provide access to financial services and markets

The project supports activities with the aim of:

  • building grass-roots institutions
  • promoting and securing access of marginalized groups to resources
  • promoting the diversification of on-farm and off-farm livelihood opportunities

At the request of the Government of Rajasthan, the project will initially cover one area in each of the state's six districts. On the basis of the project's performance, the government will scale up activities and replicate the model across the state.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact