Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project - IFAD
Using participatory approaches, the project involves communities in decision-making processes so as to empower them, and builds on indigenous knowledge and institutions to promote sustainable land management. By improving farmers' land tenure security, it encourages them to invest in land improvement. Reduced siltation of water bodies creates opportunities for hydropower development. Conservation of biodiversity and improved ecosystem integrity are expected long-term benefits. Project activities are designed to:
- Support implementation of about 650 watershed management plans;
- Restore the productivity of a large area of degraded land;
- Increase the productivity of agriculture, including forests and fisheries;
- Improve food security and the incomes of people living within the Lake Tana watershed.
The project also aims to increase carbon sequestration, which should reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 25.43 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 13.02 million
Financing terms
DSF Grant/Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (International)
Global Environmental Facility
US$ 4.4 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
US$ 5.23 million
National Government
US$ 2.78 million
Project Contact
Han Ulac Demirag