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Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project - Institutional Strenghtening Component


Country Flag Niger


Rural Development

Approval Date

17 December 2008


2008 - 2013

Project ID


Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project – Institutional Strengthening Component (ARRDI-ISC)


This project is part of the decentralization process launched by the Government of Niger to reduce poverty by improving access to local governance and services. It works on strengthening the ability of 56 rural communes, mainly in Maradi Region, to manage local affairs competently and improve households' food security and living conditions.

The target group comprises poor rural people, including women and members of vulnerable groups, whose development is blocked by weak governance and lack of access to basic services. The project aims to build up local capacities for action, with an emphasis on participation and inclusion. To facilitate capacity-building, it seeks to strengthen decentralized public departments and producers' organizations, as well as fostering an enabling legal and institutional environment at the national level.

The project also encourages members of its target group to participate actively in identifying, planning and making pro-poor local investments in social and economic infrastructure and food security. In this way, communal development and annual investment plans can reflect priorities and proposals developed at the village level. Moreover, the project forges linkages between communes, their constituencies and public institutions involved in the delivery of essential services.

Source: IFAD

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact