
Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the Northern Region


Country Flag Guatemala


Rural Development

Approval Date

17 December 2008


2008 - 2019

Project ID


The Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the Northern Region (PRODENORTE in Spanish) expands IFAD's presence in the northern region of the country, consolidating the government's national rural development programme. It will increase development investments in selected communities and municipalities that are not currently served by any development project, and it will consolidate activities in the more advanced zones of ongoing IFAD-supported programmes.

It will focus on improving market access and generating rural businesses in agricultural and non-agricultural activities for smallholders and microentrepreneurs, to increase production, employment and incomes. To achieve this, it will support private-sector entrepreneurial linkages as the engine of the chain of sustainable quality production, commercialization and export, and technological development.

The principal goals are to:

  • transform agricultural and non-agricultural subsistence activities into profitable, market-oriented businesses operating on local and external markets
  • strengthen the capacities of rural and indigenous communities, producers' associations and development councils
  • expand social and economic infrastructure, including rural roads
  • conserve and sustainably manage natural resources

PRODENORTE will also focus on market access and rural business creation, strengthen strategic alliances with the private sector and promote associations of rural and indigenous entrepreneurs.

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Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

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