Rapid Food Production Enhancement Programme - IFAD
The programme includes two sub-programmes that are separate but mutually dependent:
- the Rapid Seed Supply Financing Project (RaSSFiP), to be implemented in 2009
- the Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project (IRPEP), to be implemented from 2010 to 2015
The programme targets poor paddy farmers and poor irrigators' associations in various rice-growing areas, with the objective of achieving an increase in paddy production.
RaSSFiP will focus on acquisition and distribution of certified seeds for the 2009 wet season crop. IRPEP will work in the longer term to:
- strengthen irrigation associations
- provide production inputs and support services
- develop and maintain irrigation and rural infrastructure
- develop marketing and the post-harvest stage of production
- promote policy dialogue
IFAD will directly supervise the programme, which is an innovative combination of emergency assistance and a development project. It brings together an urgent response to prevent an emergency, by supplying seeds rapidly to increase paddy production, and a medium-term irrigation rehabilitation effort that aims for increased and sustained production. Through the financial package, IFAD will provide funds for the urgent phase and play a catalytic role in further financing. And IFAD's support for the government's sector-wide programme will enable both IFAD and the government to fast-track processing, providing a potential model for future initiatives.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 42.96 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 15.9 million
Financing terms
Financing Gap
US$ 0.5 million
Co-financiers (International)
European Commission
US$ 13.15 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 9.82 million
Local Government
US$ 1.97 million
Project Contact
Omer Aslam Zafar