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Agricultural Value Chain Development Programme in the Mountain Zones of Taza Province


Country Flag Morocco


Agricultural Development

Approval Date

15 December 2010


2010 - 2020

Project ID


The programme will target about 48,000 poor rural people - smallholders, landless farmers, rural women and unemployed young people.

The programme’s objective is to reduce poverty among poor rural communities through sustainable income growth and improved management of the natural resources.

The programme will focus on:

  • diversifying agricultural activities through the promotion of adapted agricultural commodities
  • enhancing value of their products at the farm level through processing, packaging and direct access to profitable markets
  • ensuring the sustainability of investments by supporting cross-cutting activities

The programme is in line with the objectives of IFAD’s country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) for Morocco, namely to:

  • strengthen participation of rural communities in the development process
  • promote access by poor rural people, particularly women and young people, to sustainable and adapted financial services
  • promote access to water and improved agricultural techniques.

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Co-financiers (Domestic)

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