Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra - IFAD
The programme will help lay the groundwork for sustainable improvements in the food security and incomes of the rural population of Guéra region. The programme will:
- continue the investment thrust launched under the Food Security Project in the Northern Guéra Region (PSANG) with regard to safe water, cereal buffer stocks and roads linking areas with economic potential to markets;
- step up efforts to mobilize local savings and consolidate the network of self-managed saving and credit unions (CECAs); and
- strengthen the capacity of grass-roots producer organizations and their groups at the local and regional level.
The programme is aligned with the second national poverty reduction strategy paper. It also complies with the first strategic objective of IFAD’s country strategic opportunities programme for Chad (improve access to and sustainable management of water by rural poor people), and contributes to the second (improve access to input and producer markets within value chains where rural poor people have a comparative advantage).
The target group comprises of producers in rural households of Guéra region, rural women and men and members of producer organizations. Approximately 130,000 persons will directly benefit from the programme’s activities.
Source: IFAD
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 20.12 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 17.4 million
Financing terms
DSF Grant/Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 2.53 million
Project Contact
Valantine Mr Achancho