
Agricultural Value Chains Support Development Programme


Country Flag Congo


Rural Development

Approval Date

08 December 2011


2011 - 2018

Project ID


PADEF will be implemented in Congo’s 10 rural departments, which comprise 820 villages, 70 districts and 55,000 households.

The overall programme objective is to bring about a sustainable improvement in food security and the incomes of small-scale producers (farmers, livestock breeders and fishers) and to create sustainable employment for rural people, particularly young people and women.

The project, in line with the COSOP 2010-2014, aims to strengthen:

  • access by small-scale producers to appropriate agricultural and fishing technologies for production, processing, storage and conservation
  • access by small-scale producers to transparent markets for inputs and agricultural and fishing products for the targeted subsectors
  • the capacity of peasant organizations (POs) and local authorities to provide services to their members and increase their participation in local development.

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Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact