Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme - IFAD
In line with IFAD’s policy on targeting, the programme is expected to directly benefit 50,000 households, reach 975 producer organizations, and create and support 200 rural microenterprises and small businesses.
The overall development goal of the Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (PADAER) is to contribute to rural poverty reduction and stimulate economic growth.
Focusing on:
- enhancing supply of agricultural production;
- value addition and marketing;
- programme coordination and knowledge management.
The programme will:
- improve the food security situation and incomes of small-scale producers
- create sustainable rural employment opportunities, particularly for women and young people.
The programme is fully aligned with the IFAD Strategic Framework (2011–2015). It is also in line with the country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP 2011–2015) that was formulated with the active participation of Government andrepresentative producer organizations.
See also: Support to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme - Phase II
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 59.12 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 38.15 million
Financing terms
Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (International)
Spanish Fund
US$ 10.09 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 8.66 million
Beneficiaries additional financing
US$ 1.12 million
Project Contact
Luyaku Loko Nsimpasi