
National Programme of Rural Economic Transformation for Living Well - Rural Adelante


Country Flag El Salvador


Credit and Financial Services

Approval Date

12 December 2015


2015 - 2024

Project ID


The objective of Rural Adelante is to sustainably increase the incomes of 8,000 poor rural families in 87 municipalities within El Salvador's eastern departments of La Unión, Morazán, San Miguel and Usulután, which constitute Central America's Dry Corridor. These areas are highly prone to extreme climate phenomena, especially droughts.

The programme will build smallholder producers' capacity to adapt to climate change. It will promote research, extension, education and training services to develop value chains that are climate-resilient, a major component of which will be the establishment of a climate information service.

Rural Adelante will pave the way for smallholder farmers to have sustainable access to markets. It will help increase their capacity to sell high-quality products and to respond to market demand. The programme encourages value chain actors – input suppliers, technical assistance and training providers, financial service providers, commercialization centres and marketers and, of course, smallholder farmers – to better coordinate their activities and enter into strategic partnerships.

It also seeks to strengthen El Salvador's institutional and policy framework for rural development through applied research, with the goal of formulating specific policy recommendations that address the needs of women, youth, and indigenous peoples, as well as provide frameworks for climate change adaptation.



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Co-financiers (Domestic)

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