Commercial Smallholder Support Project in Bac Kan and Cao Bang - IFAD
Economic growth in Viet Nam has raised living standards in rural areas but also contributed to inequality and environmental degradation. This project will build on previous IFAD-supported initiatives focused on developing businesses in rural areas and on agroforestry. First an investment plan will be developed, in parallel with climate change adaptation planning. This will include preparation of action plans and awareness-raising to improve resilience. Then market-oriented socioeconomic development plans will be prepared, reflecting climate challenges.
The project will also support equitable ownership and efficient use of forest resources. Almost 2,000 common interest groups will be developed or strengthened to implement profitable climate change-adaptation technologies and practices. Support will be given to newly established women's development funds, and an agribusiness promotion investment fund will catalyze approximately 25 private sector agro-enterprise investments.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 74.34 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 43 million
Financing terms
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 20.6 million
US$ 10.74 million
Project Contact
Ambrosio Luis Nsingui Barros