
Agricultural Development and Market Access Support Project


Country Flag Benin


Rural Development

Approval Date

13 September 2018


2018 - 2025

Project ID


The Government of Benin has focused on a value chain approach to bring about economic growth and improved food security in the country. Priority is being placed on rice, maize and cassava. PADAAM aims to contribute to the Government strategy to reduce food imports and increase value addition so as to improve the competitiveness of these products in national, regional and international markets.

PADAAM will target 51,000 households in the departments of Atlantique, Collines, Couffo, Mono, Ouémé, Plateau and Zou. Critical among the target value chain actors are women and young people, who will account for 40 per cent and 30 per cent of the beneficiaries, respectively, to create employment opportunities and increase incomes while promoting food and nutrition security. In addition, PADAAM will focus on derisking agriculture through adaptation to climate change and putting in place an insurance scheme that primarily targets smallholder farmers.

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Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

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