Rural Clustering and Transformation Project - IFAD
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Rural Clustering and Transformation Project
Rural Development
06 April 2017
2017 - 2023
The overall goal of the Rural Clustering and Transformation Project (RCTP) is to contribute to the transformation of smallholders’ livelihoods in northern Montenegro, enabling them to become more competitive and resilient to climate change.
The development objective is to increase the participation of poor smallholders in inclusive, profitable and environmentally sustainable value chains, and to enhance the benefits they derive from these. The RCTP’s three outcomes are: (i) improved commercial relations between smallholders, suppliers and buyers, supported by relevant public actors, which will catalyse increased investment in the selected value chains; (ii) improved access by smallholders to resilient water schemes and farm access roads that support the selected value chains; and (iii) gradual incorporation of lessons from successful project approaches into national practices and policies.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 14.48 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 6.12 million
Financing terms
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government
US$ 5.98 million
US$ 1.72 million
Project Contact
Philippe Remy