
Accelerating Inclusive Markets for Smallholders


Country Flag Cambodia



Approval Date

14 December 2016


2016 - 2027

Project ID


Many of the 4.3 million people who have moved out of poverty in Cambodia are still vulnerable, and agricultural growth has stalled. It needs to be stimulated through intensification, diversification and commercialization. This project aims to increase returns from farming for smallholders, including young people, through efficient public-sector investment. It will work to develop five high-value product value chains covering crops and livestock and increase private investment in them.

Using IFAD's public-private-producer partnership (4Ps) model, the project will develop and promote links among buyers, producers and service providers. It will give priority to innovation in local value chains, especially through a value chain innovation fund, which will provide direct financial support to stimulate private investment. The initiative will initially partner with three major microfinance institutions, recognizing the importance of significantly increased financing for farmers, agricultural cooperatives, agribusinesses and service providers.

Source: IFAD


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Co-financiers (Domestic)

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