Community-Based Agricultural Support Project - IFAD
The Community-Based Agricultural Support Project (CBASP) is designed to stimulate inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in poor rural communities by improving access to productive infrastructure and services that are expected to lead to sustainable agricultural production and equitable returns. It aims to tackle the lack of access to modern farming technologies experienced by the poorest smallholders in remote villages and to support private sector mechanized service providers and maintenance services.
The project's activities are organized into two components:
- Strengthening rural institutions by developing business-oriented small-plots farmers' groups and building the capacities of implementation service providers
- Improving agricultural productivity and business linkages by promoting the use of modern agricultural technologies and infrastructures.
The project areas include some 225 villages in selected areas of Khatlon and Soghd regions as well as the Districts of Republican Subordination Region, thus reaching up to 48,160 households. The primary target groups are rural people living in extreme poverty, who are either landless or producing a bare subsistence minimum on household plots; subsistence and semi-subsistence farmers; and the rural underemployed.
President’s report
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 40.64 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 30.66 million
Financing terms
DSF Grant/Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (Domestic)
US$ 1.56 million
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
US$ 1.32 million
Other Domestic
US$ 1.92 million
National Government
US$ 4.94 million
Project Contact
Roberto Mr Longo